eRum in numbers
previous edition

Long talks, lightning talks and workshops

Nationalities of our Speakers and Attenders

R Professionals expected
e-RUM2020 was a great success!
Here is how you can REWATCH the event
Download the detailed schedule of e-Rum 2020 to discover when and where all talks of the conference will take place!
The European R users meeting (eRum) is a biennial conference that brings the R User Community of Europe together to exchange experiences, broaden knowledge of R and collaborate.
eRum is an open event, and it welcomes expert and skillful practitioners as well as people who just want to take a peek on the future of data science. eRum aims to provide a platform for the creation of new collaborations and for sharing experiences. eRum is a no profit conference, and this year it will be a totally virtual event, with free access for everyone.
CovidR pre-conference event
Pre-conference hackathon
e-Rum2020 submissions
Call for contributed talks and workshops: December 11, 2019 – January 29, 2020
Notification of acceptance for workshops: February 26, 2020
Notification of acceptance for all other contributions: March 4, 2020
Conference registrations: May 15 – June 14, 2020
Program publication
Program Announcement: March 25, 2020
CovidR contest
CovidR contest submissions: April 17 – May 22, 2020
CovidR pre-conference event registrations: May 4 – May 22, 2020
Notification of acceptance for CovidR finalists: May 25, 2020
CovidR pre-conference event: May 29, 2020
Hackathon (satellite event): June 16, 2020
e-Rum2020 conference: June 17 – June 19, 2020
e-Rum2020 workshops: June 20, 2020
Director of Editorial Data & Analytics
IDG Communications
Chief Data Scientist
Lander Analytics
Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
 Professor of Statistics
University of Perugia
Solutions Engineer
Czech Technical University
Long talks, lightning talks and workshops
Nationalities of our Speakers and Attenders
R Professionals expected
Still struggling with the organization of virtual conferences? In this R Journal article we describe our adventure as organizers of @erum2020_conf, which we turned into a virtual conference after the #COVID19 outbreak in Milan 1 year ago! #RStats #eRum2020
Curious to know how to organize a virtual conference?
Our R journal article about our adventure in turning @erum2020_conf into a virtual conference is finally out!
Check it out here:
#rstats #eRum2020 #Rjournal